K: about the Institutions that produced and distributed Cuffs.
U: how social and cultural contexts are reflected in Cuffs.
BAT: answer exam style questions including new knowledge.
CO: summarise information from research and use it in exam style answers.
Copy, paste and answer these questions IN YOUR BLOG.
- What date was Cuffs episode 1 first broadcast?
- What does a production company do?
- What does a distribution company do?
- What does a broadcast company do?
- What Channel did it first broadcast Cuffs?
- What is the name of the production company that created Cuffs?
- What other programmes have Tiger Aspect Productions produced? Give TWO examples of each genre.
- What are the names of the main characters in Cuffs? Give a brief description of who they are.
- How many views did the first episode of Cuffs get when it was broadcast?
- What type of organisation is the BBC?
- What is a Public Service Broadcast (PSB)?
- How many series of Cuffs have been produced?
- What is the BBC's remit?
- In your opinion, how does Cuffs complies with the BBC's remit?
- How many episodes does the first series of Cuffs have?
- How many views did each episode of Cuffs get?
- Based on the amount of views per episode, why do you think Cuffs was cancelled?
- What is BARB and how does it link to Cuffs?
- What is OFCOM and what do they do?
- How is the BBC funded?
- How much is the TV licence per household?
- How much of the TV licence goes to TV production?
- How much of the TV Licence goes to other BBC services?
Watch the clip below and make notes on what elements of media language they are using to create "real life".
Use the infogram below on social and cultural contexts to help you understand these concepts and how to apply them to Cuffs.
COPY and paste the infogram onto your blog post and write your own interpretation of the information in the infogram...
- What is your understanding of social and cultural context?
- How can a media product (text) reflect the society and cultural messages and values of the times it was made?
MAKE A MIND MAP in which you break down and write ideas on how the clip from Cuffs reflects social and cultural contexts nowadays. You may use either a padlet, or another app... or you can also just write it in your blog.
In your opinion, how does the extract attempt to represent a sense of "real life"?
In your answer you must:
- Use more than 3 examples/scenes from the clip.
- Use media language to analyse the extract.
- Use social and cultural context in order to link the clip to realism.
- Write a conclusion in which you state how far you agree with the social realism attempted in the clip.
NOTE: If you are not able to watch the clip with sound, then you can still answer the question but making reference to camera shots and angles, editing and mise-en-scene.
If you have time at the end of the lesson, you need to S.I.T. your own answer or somebody else's.
S: One thing that was successful about your answer. Eg Did you use media language and key terms extensively? Did your conclusion wrap up all your points? Did your answer refer clearly to the question?
I: What could the answer be improved? Be specific about this... don't just write 'make it better' or 'add more detail'. A good example of a suggestion could be 'to be more descriptive when using media language (camera work) when analysing a part of the clip', or 'Use more than one example form the clip to expand answer'.
T: Please re-draft using improvements.